Earth Day Events

Councillor Dasko would like to share this regarding our Earth Days programming (running until April 24).

The City is co-hosting a special event, “Our Climate Our Stories” in partnership with Community Climate Council, EnviroMuslims, and BAM (Books, Art, Music) Collective. This event will explore climate stories and experiences from our Canadian Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) youth.

The event will take place tomorrow April 22, 2021, from 5:00-6:30 pm.  The event is online. Residents can register for the event here:

During the event, we will also announce the launch of We Are Resilient, a collaborative project by Environment and Museums. We Are Resilient is a contest running from April 22 to August 31 for community photographers and storytellers inspired by our Climate Change Action Plan. We Are Resilient aims to harness and share the energy, passion and creativity expressed by our community to create a more resilient future for Mississauga. We encourage you to tune in to this and other Earth Days events,  

How to get involved in the We Are Resilient contest:
This is a great opportunity for residents in the Ward to showcase resilience in our neighbourhoods and communities.  The contest will run from April 22 to August 31, 2021.

Website: (please note, the website will go live on Thursday, April 22, 2021, for the contest launch)

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